There is a small Hempire growing under the Sun in Golden Bay…

Article Below Written By Valetta Sówka

Golden Bay’s first Hemp Hui was held at the Golden Bay Sustainable Living Centre on Friday. 

The sold out event, organised by social and innovation entrepreneur Michael Mayell,  gathered farmers, community leaders, investors and others together to explore opportunities for developing a local hemp economy.

Mayell, whose youthful enthusiasm is catchier than covid, has a vision of a thriving hemp industry in New Zealand, with Golden Bay as its hub. “Hemp can provide opportunities for employment, regional development and offer massive economic benefits on a global stage for New Zealand.” 

Guest speaker Igor Bernardes, co-founder of HELP, an entrepreneur focusing on a Global Regenerative Economy discussed hemp as a champion in regenerative farming. “Sustainable is no longer enough - we need to focus on regenerative practices.”

If you tried HELP - Please take a quick moment to fill out this taste survey

Hemp requires little if any pesticides or herbicides and it improves soil health. Requiring less water than many other industrial crops, it also fast-growing, and can pull huge quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 

Another use for hemp crops is ‘phytoremediation’ - grown in contaminated soil hemp absorbs heavy metals and toxins, thus cleaning the land for future productive use.

Speaker Antoine Tane of Seed to Sanctuary, a community-led regeneration project, holds the intention of growing homes and building soil at the same time, using hemp as a tool.

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“Golden Bay feels like the right place for this to happen. Here we have innovative minds and a collective vision with regenerative processes already in place. I believe Golden Bay is the epicentre of progressive change in New Zealand.”

Tane says just 2- hectares of a healthy hemp crop is required for one house build.

Together with Andrew Earl, Tane introduced Hempcrete and geopolymers as alternative ecofriendly building materials. Hempcrete is fire- and pest-resistant, insulating, and can store and release moisture.

Hemp has over 5,000 uses including as a super food or drink, in cosmetics, industrial lubricants, fibre, bio-fuel, paper and cannabinoid medicine to name a few.

Richard Barge, chairman of NZ Industrial Hemp Association, and who runs Hemptastic, is currently touring promoting the hemp industry. “One challenge is changing mainstream opinion around hemp and its associations with cannabis use. There is a need to establish credibility.” 

Hemp is Cannabis, so both industrial hemp and marijuana are from the same family. In New Zealand cannabis is illegal, except industrial hemp which can be grown legally if you have a licence. Licences are available from the Ministry of Health. 

For those wishing to support the budding hemp industry, Barge recommends to,
“Consume hemp food products, wear hemp clothes and lobby your local MPs so they get involved. Talk amongst your network and share the information, educate others. If you have land, get the licence and trial growing it.”


Hemp Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • 1 cup buckwheat flour (ground buckwheat groats)

  • 1 cup of hemp seed

  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar or

  • 1/3 cup hemp seed oil or other cooking fat

  • 4 tablespoons water

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


  • Preheat the oven to 350ºF and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat.

  • In a large bowl, stir together the hemp seed, buckwheat flour, sugar, hemp oil, water, vanilla, salt, and baking soda. Then add in the vinegar, which will react with the baking soda to help the cookies rise a bit.

  • Fold in the chocolate chips, then use a tablespoon to scoop the dough into 12 mounds spaced evenly apart on the lined baking sheet. Flatten each cookie with your hands, as these cookies will only spread slightly. Bake until the edges are firm, about 10 minutes at 350ºF. Let cool at least 10 minutes before serving.

  • If mixture too sticky, add more flour. If mixture too crumbly add more oil / fat.

Buckwheat Hemp loaf Recipe Link

Golden Bay Weekly Article - Written by Sukie Conley

From the success of this years sold out Hemp Hui, next years Hui will be hosted by newly formed organisation, Hempire of the Sun. Contact details of attendees of the Hemp Hui will be managed by Hempire of the Sun. To opt-out of the new mailing list, please unsubscribe below if you so wish.

Hempire of the Sun is a network of ‘seeds’ sprouting in Golden Bay, join the database below to receive important updates & opportunities…

We are curious how many people would buy bulk bags of “Crushed Hemp” if we arranged it.

Hemp hui